Wednesday, February 02, 2022

completely apropos of nothing - he's not dead as far as I know though glenn wheatley is, as of yesterday

I don't know why but I was just moved to play Alice Cooper's 'I Never Cry', the last song on the first side of ...Goes to Hell. I was mainly thinking of how it is a massively superior song to its closest relation in the Cooper canon, 'Only Women Bleed', which to my mind sucks a big turd. 'Only Women Bleed' is Meatloaf-y; 'I Never Cry' is like 'Without You' or, lyrically of course, it's a little bit of a ref to 'I'm not in Love'. Bizarre to think that a mere four years later he was doing Flush the Fashion. I assume that 'I Never Cry' isn't a record he thinks about much, and that Flush the Fashion is a record he would like to have erased from everyone else's memory but not his own just in case he decided, having forgotten it, that it would be a good idea. 

I give kudos, I suppose, to 'Only Women Bleed' re: all the people who thought it was about menstruation which I think it pretty categorically isn't though of course Cooper and whoever his minions/masters were all knew that it would be considered to be referencing that. Is that worth kudos? I don't know. It is apparently about domestic violence. It seems to me to be so soap-operatic. I think it is a shitty song musically. 

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure John Farnham used to do 'Only Women Bleed' live. I have to say I pretty much disagree with every song choice he made, since 'Things to Do', anyway. 

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