Wednesday, March 10, 2021

a tramp in tibet

This morning at the gym, a curtailed experience due to time (I had a meeting at 8) I went to Tibet. My companions were mainly Canadian. 

This is my best attempt at photographing the emergence of a head hole around a ponytail. I think you can just see it. But not really. 

By the way two things: sometimes people's profile pictures suggest they are black people (or a corgi, but forget that). But the avatars I have seen have all been white people. Just saying. Also, I noticed that in the examples in the opening screen for the program, May Pang's name came up. WTF!?

Here's the real world outside. Some prat was smoking a cigarette out there and more prats putting up signs telling you not to walk on the fucking pavement because they are building some new set of dog boxes. Poor dogs I say. 

1 comment:

Person I want to be said...

The last one is typical Moscow. Even this cut metal round piece polished by pedestrian. You sure this is a real world?

d4 the toffee apple man

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