Monday, February 12, 2018
I have been forgetting a lot lately, well that's not entirely true I suppose, I have been forgetting occasionally lately, but it feels like a lot, because you kind of expect to have everything at your fingertips. This morning I was on RRR and I wanted to be able to conjure up the name of a colleague just in case I was asked about him (too much detail, don't worry) the point being I could only remember his first name, and the last seemed like not just an empty dank hole, but more like a penetratingly frazzled desert, where thoughts, ideas and names were vaporised. Look it's OK, I don't need to remember everything - most of what I have to remember is meaningless - but still. Sucks when it happens!
Friday, February 02, 2018
On the bus with Wham’s ‘Everything She
Wants’ playing. It’s actually better than I remember it, I remember it being
sort of atonal and dull, but not really, it’s better than that, it has a lot
going on. It’s just that chugging thing that I suppose made it seem a bit
sluggish in my memory. I wonder what it’s about. I hope I never hear it again.
I wish I could do more in the Shaw
I actually really believe in the Shaw
alphabet , in the way I believe in vegetarianism and art. That is: everyone
would benefit from it, I know they would. I have absolutely no doubt. You might
as well say, ‘are potatoes yummy’, ‘is Sarah Silverman funny’. Of fucking
course. Yet I also have to hold in my head simultaneously the knowledge that to
embrace the Shaw alphabet is ‘too hard’ for too many people. (‘Too hard’ in the
sense that: ‘I learnt something once, to learn an easier version is too hard').
I have probably said this on this blog
before but OK I can say it again (maybe I’ll add something new via the wisdom
of age): the Shaw alphabet is efficient, useful and good. 2018 English spelling
completely stinks like ripe recently produced animal shit. No-one wants or
needs that spelling. People ignore
that spelling, because it’s obviously bullshit. It is a disaster and it should
be avoided where possible, because it’s terrible. In the 1940s Shaw pointed out
his name was really two sounds, a consonant and a vowel, but it was
ridiculously wastefully spelt with four letters. True. He noted that the word
‘fish’ could also arguably logically spelt ‘ghoti’. Also true (I think it’s the
gh in rough and the oti in… potion? Or something like that). He was right about
English spelling. Not only is it illogical, it’s also inefficient and here’s
something else he didn’t say – it’s unpleasant. And also, it wouldn’t occur to
him that it’s classist and racist (it presumes a classical western education,
and fuck that, right).
The Shaw alphabet would save us millions, every year. You need a lot less space to write things in Shaw. It
takes less time and it also, incidentally, looks a lot better than horrible old
whatever we call this, English Writing. People’s lame, unenlightened, sad,
backward outlook and essentially people’s unwillingness to learn something new
has robbed us of something beautiful, that is, a life in the Shaw Alphabet.
People are jerks actually.
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