Sunday, June 25, 2017

last Thursday

I don’t remember much fuss being made re winter solstice in previous years but maybe it seems so peripheral I forgot. Today is that day. I am not thrilled by the cyclic nature of the seasons and all I see is the regrettable future summer on the horizon. I really should move to Kergeulen.

All that said, boy/young man sniffing and wiping his nose on his sleeve on the train was a disaster and horrible.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

good morning

I'm writing to you now from Albion. I did a RRR fill yesterday (12-1, Room with a View) wherein I mentioned how pleased I was to get out of Clifton Hole (true to my form, I imagined ruining four or five Clifton Holians' days - as if) and into this remarkably fine area with the truly awful name. I confessed (this was all off the cuff) to not knowing exactly where the name 'Albion' came from or what it meant but to believing it was some kind of fanciful name for England, which I now know to be true (or at least I spent a little time looking at it on wikipedia and found it was an ancient Greek name for England) (apparently there's a theory that Albania's name comes from a similar source, which is hilarious). Anyway, doesn't matter. 

The lay of the land with Albania: I'm in a shitty townhouse built around thirty years ago, which is shifting on its foundations so the doors don't close properly, it's one of more than twenty, facing the railway line, and I'd have to say that all things considered it's probably the worst place you could live in Albion, but it's adequate at the moment. Yes, it's full of crap (my crap) but Nancy seems happy and all I really need to do is find the nail scissors (and also, cut Nancy's claws, which grow insanely). 

OK. More anon. 

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...