Sunday, April 22, 2012


Last night at about 6.30pm we saw fireworks across in Gladstone Park, sort of unannounced and we never would have known except we were in the park with the dogs and they just unfolded out there in the view. A couple of hours later one of my sisters had come by and we were just conversing and we heard banging and I assumed once again fireworks. We mused about what people might find to celebrate on this particular weekend (cat's birthday seems a common excuse). Anyway about half an hour later a very freakin' noisy helicopter above, which hung around for a long time and then about an hour later I put two and two together and checked the Age website and, yes, there had been a shooting in our street. A man in his twenties was shot below the waist and is in a critical condition in hospital. Police were still at the scene last night, the Age said, so I went out to look in our little section of LC but couldn't see anything. This morning I went the length of the street and couldn't see any evidence - you know, police tape or whatever.  There was a brief interview on the radio this morning with a neighbour who came to the aid of the man who was shot, but no further details, and there probably won't be - we'll have to rely on local gossip.

I will be interested to hear what non-local people have to tell us in the next week or two about our 'rough neighbourhood'. It still has a long way to go to match the last place we lived in West Brunswick - both in terms of gun-related crime and crime generally.


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iODyne said...

plenty of shooting in the posh postcodes too though. maybe the victim in LC was the cause of all the fireworks frightening the animals. I hate fireworks because they cause cats and dogs to run away and be lost, and they frighten birds, and are generally just a sop for mindless people, and paid for by local govt which then raises Rates to cover the huge cost. there.

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  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...