Monday, September 26, 2022
happy 100th birthday leonard teale
Saturday, September 24, 2022
probably not THE samuel hatty
Our Samuel Hatty was 31 when this happened on 24 September 1921, so this is probably someone just trying to crash the Samuel Hatty party, but thought it was slightly worth mentioning. You're welcome.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Episode 222 of Homicide, 'George' is a partially successful (bit messy plotwise) exploration of mental illness, and one of the episodes which is preceded by the information that it is based on an actual case. (It actually feels like a play someone has retrofitted to put the Homicide team into).
It's also the first time that Alwyn Kurts starts the program by addressing the viewer in the way that John Fegan used to when someone deemed the subject matter a bit close to the bone. It's a program, he says, about mental illness and it's not suitable viewing for children (like any episode of Homicide ever was!).It was also first screened 23 September 1969, so, exactly 53 years ago.
a law unto thems-health sock
I have a complete thing going on with Humphrey Law socks. Yes they are the very expensive socks you can seemingly only get from David Jones these days (or a place at the Victoria Market which is rapidly running out of them because I keep going there). No doubt this is one of the reasons why middle aged men are so smug, not Humphrey Law socks per se but because they have been round the block a bit and think their niche preferences indicate that they know everything. But it is a stunningly good sock. I have a lot of the thick alpaca ones, lovely, and a number of other varieties the exact specs of I couldn't summon to mind only that I know what I like. Right now I am wearing a fresh pair in a strange salmon colour which I have had sitting around all week I just hadn't put them on because I was so much enjoying the other HL socks I bought I kept washing and rewearing them.
I'd like to also tell you something informative about Humphrey Law but I can't really, well, a little bit. The company is first mentioned in the papers on 13 September 1950 (p. 17), this ad:
But they first make their real strides three years later when it's revealed in the press (the Age again) that CSIRO has developed a way to stop woollen socks from shrinking and thus brought them back to a better competitive position with synthetic fibres. Humphrey Law (it was a Harvey Norman-type situation: their website says 'In 1947 Sidney Humphrey and Albert Law formed a partnership to make socks in Australia') announced they would be using this process in their socks: Albert Law is quoted discussing the process which applies resin in umpteen 'spot-welds' to the fibres stopped their usual response to moisture. This treatment was called the Belmont process.
The company appeared to trundle on through the 50s, 60s and 70s without any actual advertising of their own, just mentioned in department stores' ads (so they presumably had some kind of reputation of their own as a quality brand) then in the 80s they began to promote themselves. Which is interesting in itself. This ad is from the Sydney Morning Herald 23 September 1989 p. 268.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
As we draw to the end of the 60s in Homicide the guest actors are no doubt going to veer away a little from people only really known as stars of the Melbourne stage and towards people who might have been that but who also went on to be nationally or globally famous. Well, we've already had Jackie Weaver. This is the first time Graeme Blundell has been in Homicide, in an episode called 'Never a Man', screened in July 1969. He has a small part (though important to the plot) as a criminal called Jenkinson. When he's holed up in a car yard shooting at cops Leonard Teale calls out 'Jenkinson' so many times it starts to get silly.
IMDB tells us he was actually also in the pilot episode in 1964, uncredited.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
yep, you know, stuff...
So Bert Costello is dead. He died in an old mineshaft in episode 210. It was a weird death, because so unexpected. There was no meaningful shot of him and no otherwise inexplicable monologue about how he was looking forward to seeing his mother on the weekend or maybe he'd pop the question to his (admittedly he had no real backstory other than that he was Italian and born in Walgett or something like that) girlfriend or anything else to make his death poignant. It was like they decided during the episode that they'd found a good way to get Lionel Long out of the show, 'let's chuck him in the mineshaft and blow it up off-camera' And yes, it all takes place offscreen but we do get to see him dead:
Norman Yemm is already incredible, what a guy. I mean it's chalk and cheese and each was talented but Lionel Long, right, can slip into big international films like The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders as 'singer in prison' (apparently, I haven't seen it) and be a functional presence. Norman Yemm couldn't have a bit part in a film, he's just not wallpaper, he's of it. Look at him drawing the charisma away from Leonard Teale here. That takes some doing.
Other things I'm loving right now include the debut album by Maustetytöt, which is called Kaikki Tiet Vievät Peltolaan. The title translates as All Roads Lead to Peltola; obviously this has a local meaning that only locals can understand (Peltola is a small industrial area outside Turku; means nothing to me obviously, I'm surprised it even has an english-language Wikipedia entry).
It's actually pretty satisfying to turn your mind off a bit and feel it rather than try to figure it out. Often works, though clearly, duolingo has a hell of a process that reinforces you a lot for what is basically guesswork/deduction.
So that's been my last couple of weeks. Going back to my earlier point, vale Lionel Long. He was only 59 when he died, that's a shame, he was good.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
another hatty
I wonder if he was related to Samuel.
By the way I heard about this flood, 62 years ago today, which also apparently ripped through what is now the City Gardens estate where I presently live. People's furniture floated out the door.I am trying to place the location of this 'workshop' and can't, quite, though I think it must have been near what is now the on-ramp to the Tullamarine Freeway.
Monday, September 12, 2022
a bunbury townhouse development that, for some weird reason, i sort of liked (a week ago)
This is its cousin over the road
Sunday, September 11, 2022
greetings from albany (last week)
Hi I am in Albany (Sunday 4/9). I am staying at a strange enough motel in a snug beachy holiday suburb slightly east of main Albany. I am about to go to main Albany and have a look around (it's not daylight yet). The hotel had some weird liquid soap which just seems very oily, and I used it last night and I thought I had got it all off but then this morning it revealed it had been on me all along, and was still hard to get rid of.
Just, you know, all blue books.
It's one thing to see old signage advertising CDs and DVDs (they'll be back before too long, don't you worry) but this shop still had a lot of that stock up the back. The front was a lot of cheap junk. It was closed, this was Sunday.
Also closed.
I couldn't imagine a worse looking remodel on an old cinema although tbh this might not be that much of a remodel, just a building which was originally intended to have placards and postcards on it, etc, and now it has these horrible logos on it instead.
So it was a Sunday morning and I was gasping for a coffee of course apart from anything else and I used google maps naturally and found a bunch of cafes. Kate's Place was obviously going to be ideal for my purposes but fucking hell...
And it looked so much like my kind of thing, what with the bunting and so on.
However! I went back to the motel in a razz but then had another look at google maps and realised there was a place I hadn't investigated so I drove there and...
Flippin' perfect! Albany you ultimately got it right so thank you.
d4 the toffee apple man
27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...
As a child, naturally enough, I watched a lot of television and it being the early 1970s when I was a child, I watched a lot of what is no...