Monday, June 10, 2024

small walk

I'm not quite sure what the place we went today is called. Is it Westmeadows or Broadmeadows or does it have another name? I have been there before, definitely, in what might almost have been another life. Then, the public housing component was called Barnsley Mews but now I believe the estate that replaced it is called Valley Park and I don't think it's public housing anymore. 

Here's Ferdie and Perry, completely loving the environment and their time together (they get on very well). 

I think I've marvelled about this before but this green slope (it is more severe in real life than it looks here) was surveyed as a street, to be called Lyons St. I suppose it is possible that it was made more severe later on after the Lyons St idea was abandoned. 
Anyway, here it is in the Melways 1966.
More of the land alongside the creek. 
A little way north some gem has erected this sign which I'd like to say is ineffectual (I mean I'm sure it is for most people, but chickens like me don't dare cross into land labeled thus...)
A couple of houses of Gwilt St. Like the slope, they're more impressive in real life. 

So this is looking out across what google maps seems to want to call the Otway Crescent Drain (though there does not seem to be an Otway Crescent) we came across this campsite. I can think of plenty of worse places to live. 
And thus ends our trip for Monday. Happy 'king's birthday' (sigh). 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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