Saturday, July 27, 2024


I have to tell you, strange but realistic, I am less likely to post things here about current work I'm doing because I don't want to be gazumped or have my thoughts stolen by AI. I have a strong sense that it would regard things like this blog as easy pickings. I mean, obviously it takes 0.1 seconds to read everything and sift through it and perhaps even reject a lot, but I am reasonably good at sourcing things (except when I forget) and I probably do quite a bit of decent research for nothing.

So whereas a few years ago I would have been very generous in discussing my current research into Mr. Skygack, and whereas admittedly I have fine tuned the Mr Skygack wikipedia page - probably more of a boon to AI than this blog - I am still reluctant to put the interesting sticky bits up here for a bot to snatch. 

But I had nowhere else to go with this snippet so I just wanted to show how actually fucking useless AI can be (though I don't know how old this particular kerfuffle is or whether it's even real, I suppose). So for context: I'm interested in a short-lived comic strip phenomenon called 'Mr. Skygack, from Mars', which ran in US newspapers between 1907-11 in its initial incarnation. The feature was syndicated, ineptly by our standards, and different papers did different things to try and promote it / be associated with it. One paper, for instance, had a competition for a dinner set to people finishing a sentence about Mr. Skygack. He also very quickly got in the general conversation, so journalists and columnists would throw him into their musings - along the lines of, I wonder what Mr. Skygack would make of... etc. One paper had the genius idea of throwing in various lines along the general lines of, 'Mr. Skygack coming soon' and 'What would you say to Mr. Skygack?' and, like the above, 'Mr. Skygack here to-day'. 

So why a computer wants to go through and clip out particular death notices, I don't know, but you can see what the confusion was here, because I guess a computer can't see a context of the top line being just one more iteration of spruiking Mr. Skygack, and instead assumes that it must be the headline for the article following. Icing on the cake is that it reads the 'a' in 'Raber' as an 's', so Mrs. John Raber becomes, in death, Skygack Rsber. The other details the computer has recorded, such as the children, are just a mangling of misread names; the name of her spouse - I mean obviously the spouse should be Mr. John Raber - I can't work out where that crazy jumble came from. Doesn't matter. Mildly amusing though I suppose if you are vested in people not being replaced by machines, or whatever we're calling this now. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

things in streets

Terry on the 6 November 76. I am not sure what this is about, sorry. The name 'Terry' does appear in the Age for that day 19 times, including once in a mention of Terry Norris and also once in a mention of Terry Donovan, who were both adding their name to an advertisement for a colloquium on the meaning of 11 November and the Dismissal a year before. Perhaps one of those Terrys did this. Perhaps someone was inspired by the terry curtains included in a caravan for sale at Roma Caravans of Camberwell. Anyway it can't just be random, it must have a meaning. 

I noticed it for the first time a few days ago in a lane that Perry and I often walk through in the morning. Just sitting there hiding in plain sight. 

Yesterday I noticed this in Brunswick: 

Man I wish I could read it but I bet that cunt is older than 60 now. So the whole thing probably needs an overhaul. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

isn't it strange


Evansville Press 5 May 1909 p. 4

things i like right now

I have been hoeing a few disparate rows at the moment, in-between doing my tax and occasionally playing the Our Daughter's Wedding album and walking Perry. I finally got into the show known everywhere but Indonesia and Australia as The Morning Show but here in Australia as Morning Wars, I assume because there's already a show called The Morning Show in Australia but I don't know, I should check. I have to say that the first season is really well done, and the acting is rad. The second season is a bit 'difficult second album' but still has its high points. Good intelligent use of music. Billy Crudup operates an incredible character who quite often doesn't talk but the camera lingers on his face and he communicates anyway. Right now I'm watching episodes with Valeria Golino who I think is also really tremendous. 

I think I have mentioned in the past that I enjoy Giles Brandreth's podcast Rosebud and just this morning I was listening to the Bjorn (a man so famous you just know who I'm talking about) episode. Bjorn is a little understated but it's still a really good interview (probably a bad idea to do it in front of an audience, but sure). (Possibly Bjorn insisted on that on the basis that it underlined the charity aspect of the program). 

My current podcasts are: Handsome, Slate Culture Gabfest, Slate Political Gabfest, usually WTF but not always, Blank Check except when I couldn't give a loose root about the director/films, Dave O'Neil's The Debrief, If Books Could Kill, Sizzletown, You're Wrong About... that's about it atm. Well it's not but no doubt when I remember the others I can add them in and remove this sentence. When possible, I subscribe to the podcasts in question (btw aside from apple tv, most of the streaming services I have typically had at my fingertips are unavailable to me all as a result of some cunt hacking my credit card and diverting funds to Barcelona and I cbf putting in the new details). 

The Debrief is really a case of a great show made from the rump of someone's day - Dave O'Neil drives to and from the absurdly diverse shows he plays in different parts of the country with the other comedians he's on the bill with and he kind of workshops the process before and after. So simple, so straightforward. A lot of fun. 

I have about ten novels on the go and I really should call a moratorium and finish them off. I know - I'll put them all in a list and then do it. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

arden st

I think I have mentioned before my fantasy that atop this building in Arden St North Melbourne is an actual house. It probably isn't. Or maybe it is. I mean, I can dream, right? 

Also, I wanted you to see the rainbow. Because remember, when in the sky the bow is displayed, be sure you think of... 
the book arcade

More books than anyone could ever want, as evidenced by the fact that no-one wants them (actually there's quite a fast turnover here. But I'm still not sure that anyone wants them). (Perry was interested in the rubber chicken but I dissuaded him). 

Monday, July 15, 2024

end of hk (a week plus ago)

You can fill in your own captions, they'd be more interesting than anything I came up with. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

last couple of days in hong kong - this time last week

I guess if there's a lesson to be learned it's something like either, don't try to find your way around HK on your own or if you do don't use maps on your phone to do it or some other thing that is something to do with general expectations about things being where they are 'meant' to be (I am n.o.t. not criticising HK by the way, not in this regard anyway, I'm just saying that I found it very disorienting etc - but of course - I am who I am). 

I'll probably post about the record shop I did get to go into soon enough but right now here's the one that was closed when I got there. Zoo records. A little peek through the window made me think, well, I'm kind of glad that it's closed so there's no need for me to awkwardly engage with the owner (there was almost no space in it do anything that wasn't awkward - and as it was there were two people waiting ahead of me to go in, so jeepers). I just hastened to the lift and hoped the owner didn't show up before I got in it. Of course the lifts were going up and down and almost making it to whatever floor Zoo records was on and then changing its mind and going elsewhere... whatever. I didn't get to Zoo records. I did get to go to Infree records, more about that sometime down the line. 

I don't know why I took this photograph - it is down the corridor from Zoo records outside the lifts. I don't know. 

Sleeping cat at Kowloon Park. I went to Kowloon Park to get some breakfast. I saw on google maps or mapsonmyphone if that's not the same thing that there was a place called something like Cafe on the Park which I imagined might be serviceable. It so wasn't that I initially went right past it, rather than being an actual cafe on the actual park it is the foyer of the boy scouts association with a lot of cake available. 

This (below) is just an amazing building, but they are all amazing buildings in their way, let's be fair. 
And below is where I did get my breakfast. Perfectly fine but not really a restaurant and if the woman who runs it got joy out of life this morning it wasn't through her interaction with me. 

Here are a couple of other curios.

Below ha ha, right? I should post that on facebook and get someone make a bleak, mundane acknowledgement post of the inherent humour. Or they will say, 'how long are you in Hong Kong? Be sure to go to Zoo Records and HK Bit'. Etc

 My wrap up thoughts will come later. 


I have to tell you, strange but realistic, I am less likely to post things here about current work I'm doing because I don't want to...