Tuesday, August 27, 2024

finland trip - two weeks ago

13 August, I'm getting ready to go to another conference, this one in Finland, in Oulu actually, a city I do really love, and the conference sounds like it'll be very interesting, so I am not entirely against the whole enterprise, though I do feel that it has turned out to be a bit inconvenient in many ways, work wise and money wise. But I will cope. 

There are a few beings who will have to manage without me for a while and some of them will understand, and some of them will just have to suck it up because I can't explain it to them. That bothers me quite a bit but I know ultimately it will be OK... ultimately. 

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the flagstaff hotel, who knew

...a lot of people probably but I didn't. I have started (gulp) watching Division 4. This is an establishing shot from the episode '...