Who knows what I do and don't remember. I was sitting here and remembered that I had done an emergency fill on RRR on Monday for the show Local and/or General. I put a lot of work into that - I mean as much as one could between agreeing to do it at around 5pm and actually doing it at 8 - and made it work I think. Then by the next day I had completely forgotten about it, at least, had anyone reminded me I would have had no problem recalling it, I just put it out of my mind entirely and did not reflect on it. I remember that doing the program, my voice was quite husky and last night I think Laura mentioned this, and I agreed because I recalled having slight trouble with it, but I didn't go to the place, in my memory, where this happened. This morning in a meeting I was talking to a colleague who had recently had covid whose voice was a bit croaky and recounted my own recent issues with same, but couldn't remember when it had happened, but didn't strain myself too much over trying to recall the details. It is only now, sitting on the couch two days after the original voice-losing program, that I am putting it all together and also, recalling that I put a lot into that program, and then completely forgot about it almost immediately. Isn't that odd.
I have an appointment tomorrow morning that I had completely forgotten for some days until I was reading a New Yorker article in which someone with the same name as the person I had the appointment with was mentioned, and with a start I suddenly had to try piecing together the details of when that appointment was. It's at 11:30 tomorrow. So I don't think I'll forget that but who really knows.
I have a long list of things to do this week. Of course not all of them are getting done but some are perilously close, and others are absolutely completed. That feels good, to strike stuff off the list. The most satisfying was giving both the cats flea treatment. Nancy absolutely despises it (whether it actually causes a physical sensation to have that apparently quite toxic fluid on her skin I am not sure. She might just hate the noise of it. I don't know) but Helmi, who up until now has been completely agnostic about it, has suddenly also come to fear and hate being treated for fleas and worms.
This is what I played on Monday night. 'A' stands for 'Australian' and 'L' for local.
Blue Divers - Kitchen Light On (A)
Lucy Roleff and Lehmann B. Smith - Offering/ Not for Long (A/L)
Mess Esque - Sweet Spot (A/L)
Julia Jacklin - Lydia Wears as Cross (A/L)
Punko - Painted by the Moon (A)
Blueprints - Spring Prep (A/L)
Eggy - FIll in the Blanks (A/L)
Diana Ross feat. Tame Impala - Turn up the Sunshine (A)
Ron Peno and the Superstitions - Just a Little (A/L)
The Sports - Reckless (A/L)
Doroth - Take it Easier (A/L)
Shrapnel - Son of Choice / Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory (A)
Modal Melodies - Disco Hotel (A/L)
Frollen Music LIbrary - Heart of a Crab (A/L)
Ancient Air - Always Begun Again (A/L)
Tenements - Kitchen Sink (A/L)
The Stroppies - Caveats (A/L)
Summer Flake - You're a Star (A/L)
Eggy - Magic 8 Ball (A/L)
Some things I saw today: