Friday, August 28, 2020

unknown new old project

Having more or less finished my debut graphic novel I feel like I might be on a roll and I am kind of inspired to do another. I started one in, I think, 2006* which probably needs resolution. I only did the first chapter (hmm - vague memories of starting up a chapter 2). I published this as a little comic book (maybe ten copies?)** with another unfinished story, but whether my plan was to work them both up into full-length works I don't remember (I actually think not - the sub-story was probably only going to have three or four instalments). I have to say that looking at these pages (some of the originals have been shredded in storage, by the way, which is kind of bizarre, but I think I have photocopies of everything) I must say my drawing was considerably better 15 years ago compared to now. 

I really didn't know where I was going with this story, though I was definitely pushing the envelope in a few directions, many of them possibly even unresolvable. The two main characters were both immensely unlikeable: this semi-naked man, Julian, who is kind of a hippy but/and also a thoroughly unself-aware misognynist, who can't come to terms with anything about his own awful perspective both on the two women he lives with and his son. The woman above who loves him completely one-sidedly, is basically vacuous. I have to say that looking at this now - whether the work itself reveals this or it just brings it back for me - I was 'not in a good place' in 2006.

There was also a sub-plot about the son's friend who is seemingly abducted with the inference that he is murdered, and I remember thinking I didn't really know if that was going to be the case or not, and torn between what you can't do in a comic and what is a cliche. If I pick this up and start again, I will have to make sense of those issues. 

For Persiflage, I was really keen to rule all the frames and then draw around them for a fairly regulated but slightly organic feel. In this instance, clearly I didn't give a loose root about the frame shape and I was relying on feel. I don't know how I feel about that now but if I want to use these pages as is then I will have to stick to that format I guess. 

I do like the challenge of picking up something I started when I was 40 or so and seeing it to conclusion. I think I might have a better handle on how to guide a narrative now (I know that's arrogant, I'm really a beginner, but whatever, it's not my day job or anything, I can just dabble in this stuff for my own amusement, right? Right). 

*Probably 2007, as I discuss it briefly here

** Possibly more because I recall giving it two different titles, neither of which seemed adequate, and drawing two different front covers, although that said whether I printed copies of both I don't remember at all. 

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