Tuesday, May 03, 2005

current state of achewood

Achewood has more or less become a staple of my life now. I marvel at it. Although I am also critical. I think the various characters' temporary deaths have become something of an old saw we could probably do without. There must be other devices. On the plus side I do like the way the strips have become so huge most of the time. The dialogue is often some of the best stuff but by the same token a few of the characters are ill-defined and others are too broad. Yeah, actually I am really sick of Achewood I can see right through that crap. http://www.achewood.com/index.php


Anonymous said...

It's general knowledge that the characters in Achewood uncannily represent former and present members of the Cannanes (Lyle, et.al). One question: in your opinion, which one's Todd?

David Nichols said...

Probably Gavin Butler.

todd rundgren tonight

My life is actually pretty great, all things considered. But the last few months have been gruellingly depressing due to, you know, the worl...